The ESA program has helped me be able to do the things I love, including art. I’m very passionate about art & it means a lot to me, when I was younger my family didn’t have much money so I couldn’t do things that interest me. The ESA program has let me do those things! Now I’ve been able to take art, dance, and piano lessons!
I am so thankful for this program; it makes my education fun! So please don’t take it away. Please don’t take away the opportunity for kids to learn & grow in what they love. Not only does it benefit kids but also parents, ESA makes it easier for parents to pay for these things. I also have a passion for astronomy, with ESA I got a telescope!
This program is amazing! I have no idea why you want to take it away!!! Please, don’t do this! It means so much to my family, it’s such an amazing thing & gives kids like me opportunities to do what THEY love! To make THEM happy! I’m begging you, please don’t do this. Not all kids can be public schooled, some of us have ADHD, ADD, OCD etc.
As a 12-year-old girl with anxiety it helped me so much & I don’t know what it would be like without it. So please, don’t cancel this program.
Author: Marleigh M.
Age: 12